5 Movies Which Are Simply Awesome

After nearly completing the IMDB Top 250 list, I now want to share the movies which I enjoyed the most with you.

  1. Pulp Fiction
    From all (Quentin Tarantino) movies, this is the ultimate masterwork. The setting, the characters, the stories, everything fits perfectly together. Especially John Travolta delivered an outstanding performance as Vincent Vega.
    My favourite scene: Uma Thurman and John Travolta dancing to Chuck Berry´s „You Never Can Tell“.

  2. The Wolf Of Wall Street
    After watching this movie, I said to myself, now is the time for you Leo, now you can finally embrace your first Oscar. Although this was not the case, the Wolf of Wall Street definitely earns the second place on this list, really close behind Pulp Fiction. The reason for this choice is that Matthew McConaughey made a big impression on me and therefore should have deserved a bigger role in this must-see film.
    My favourite scene: Humming the money chant song

  3. End Of Watch
    Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña are playing a cop duo in this breathtaking thriller directed by David Ayer. I absolutely loved the documentary-style shot, it definitely contributed to the tense atmosphere which persistet throughout the whole movie. The hazardous situations were realistic and exciting, as well as the behaviour and reaction of the characters.
    My favourite scene: The ending

  4. The Godfather
    An all-time classic starring Marlon Brando  and Al Pacino in Francis Ford Coppola´s world famous drama. Truth to be told, I envy the accent of Italians speaking English. Additionally the setting is simply great, the 50s are the perfect years for a mafia movie. As I always say, the first part of a series of movies is the best, my statement clearly also fits to this trilogy. This movie even made me wish to travel to Corleone when I was visiting Sicily, however, in the end I did not make it.
    My favourite scene: Leave the gun, take the cannoli

  5. The Dark Knight
    Christian Bale portraying Batman is great to watch, Heath Ledger playing the Joker is absolutely stunning. Before this movie was released, the Joker played by Jack Nicholson was in everyone´s mind. With the drastic change in appearance and the unique tongue flick it quickly became clear that Heath Ledger´s version of the crazy supervillain will have a noteable impact on Batman fans. Of all the Batman movies ever made, this one definitely ranks among the best.
    My favourite scene: When the Joker tries to trigger the bomb at the hospital

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