Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize (Book Report)

A book report which I wrote at the age of nine

Nate the Great went to a supermarket to buy a dog shampoo, because he wanted his dog Sludge to win the contest „the smartest pet in the neighbourhood.“ When he came home Rosamond called him and asked him to solve a case. The prize that she made, an empty tuna fish can with the word SMARTEST hand-painted on it in big gold letters, had disappeared. He looked for a tuna fish can in Rosamond’s room. It was a mess, because everyone came with their pets to sign up for the contest. He searched for clues in an hour before the contest began. Finally he found it in his grocery bag. Sludge was sniffing in the grocery bag. The can fell into the open bag as he rode past Rosamond’s house. The tuna fish can was on the window-sill and Fang was standing next to the window wagging his tail. That means his tail hit the can going outward. THE END


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